Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Several months ago a recruiter I was working with contacted me regarding a possible interview with Bear Stearns. I thought this was a fantastic opportunity and contacted another firm I have been working with and asked them to please get whatever information they could find regarding Bear and Stearns. To my shock and horror, I discovered that something like 55% of the assets for this company are held in Saudi Arabia. Amalek! If you don't understand the significance of Amalek you might want to look it up. I was going to give the precise numbers, but I am having trouble with my email box right now. I have to ask though WHY are we bailing out a company owned by the Saudis? We know that Saudi Arabia funds terrorism and we give them a bunch of money anyway, so WHY give them more money? I am uncomfortable with the idea of my tax dollars going to bail out a company owned by a terrorist state. I understand the economic implications, but damn it...WTF is going on here? Amalek is not supposed to be bailed is supposed to be wiped off the map. May Amalek die soon.

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