Thursday, August 13, 2009

I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. So much has happened since that last post! For those of you that are wondering what happened at the airport he did in fact show up, despite my complete terror that he would not show up at all. I had convinced myself that he wasn't going to show up and I was trying to figure out how I would explain to my friends why he didn't show up. That's because of the history we share of course. Anyway, he came in for the weekend and decided he couldn't leave me and we are getting married.

This brings me to the next part of my post and the primary reason that I have for posting. We met on Tuesday with our conversion tutor for the first time. Hopefully she'll be able to work with us, she was very nice and really appreciated where we were coming from, and she and I hit it off a lot which is fantastic because so few women seem to hit it off with me in my life.

We weren't exactly sure what to expect but it was a really great visit, and things seem to be moving along nicely on the topic, although we still have a lot of questions about what we want to do that will need to be answered in time, it is so early that it is difficult for things to be worked out.